Make... Too Faced Jerrod's Strawberry Bars

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You will need

1 cup oats

70g light brown sugar

100g wholewheat flour

1.5g salt

85g unsalted butter, melted (use coconut oil for vegan/dairy free)

400g strawberries, diced

4.2g cornflour


Preheat oven to 190oC.

Mix oats, brown sugar, salt and wholewheat flour together in a bowl, then add melted butter and mix well.

Press half of the mixture into a 20cm x 20cm pan forming a crust, then add half of the chopped strawberries.

Sprinkle cornflour on top of strawberries, then add the remaining fruit.

Add the brown sugar evenly throughout the pan, then add rest of crumble mixture.

Bake for 35 minutes.

For more information on Too Faced, click here. For more on Jerrod see his Instagram.