Grace Under Fire

Grace Reed is a founder and managing director of Kare Cosmetics and Her company has brought several beauty brands to Ireland including LA Girl and the latest offering Hello Sunday.

What’s the best thing that happened to you in the last month?

I secured Brown Thomas and Arnotts to take on a new brand we launched – Hello Sunday SPF.


When are you most inspired?

It's the worst, but late at night.


If you could teach one subject in school what would it be?

Business, even though I never did it in school.


What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?

That I look like a mix of Kourtney Kardashian and Dua Lipa.


What is something you can’t do?

I can't be patient, it is not an attribute I possess.


What makes you laugh no matter what?

My two boys and husband (but don't tell him that).


What does creativity mean to you?



Never leave the house without?



What is something you will not be doing in ten years?

Wiping bums (my kids will be older then, lol).


What is an important life lesson for someone to learn?

That things don’t always go the way you planned and that is actually a positive thing.


It’s brunch! What do you eat?

Avocado toast everyday.


What is something you’re tired of?

Social media.


What do you do on a rainy day?

Movies on the couch with my kids.


What’s your favourite exercise?

Walking, so good for clearing the head.


What do you usually eat for breakfast?

Coconut yogurt and granola.


What is something you wish you could be good at?

Slowing down.

What colour was your debs dress?

Which one? I went to four debs.


How do you manage stress?

Switching off walking, sea swimming, meditation and if all else fails - wine!


Favourite fashion trend of all time?

Tracksuits being able to be worn in the office.


Best fashion advice you’ve ever received?

Buy the size that fits you, not the size you want to be.


Trend you would like to see disappear forever?

Low rise jeans - stop it!


Shoes or Bags?



Name one thing you’ve learned the hard way?

Just because you treat people one way, does not mean you will get it back.


If you could make a documentary about anything, what would it be?

Exposing how unglamorous business actually is.


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